March 25, 2023, RIWG Update:
This is an update for Community Leader’s and citizens interested in City Planning & Civics Engagement. Please share with your neighbours and members of your community.
RIWG advocates for Better Infill to Build Better Communities! Find out more about RIWG at: (LINK to RIWG Inquiry Form) or email
The City is Drafting a new Zoning Bylaw –
The City is Drafting a new Zoning Bylaw that includes the RS Zone Small Scale Residential Zone. The new Zoning Bylaw regulations will determine what future infill is built in the Redeveloping Area within the Anthony Henday.
The City Plan is for 50% of future dwellings to be built as infill, reducing but not stopping urban sprawl.
RS Zone Summary – 1st Draft Zoning Bylaw (LINK)
This document outlines proposed benefits and impacts of infill and the proposed RS Zone. Provides a table comparing the proposed RS Zone to existing RF1 & RF3 Zones in MNO areas. The RS Zone up zones site and building regulations to allow larger buildings and more dwellings on a lot.
RIWG Presentation – RS Small Scale Residential Zone, 1st Draft Zoning Bylaw, (LINK)
RIWG has developed this analysis of the RS Zone which summarizes site and building regulations for height, site coverage and setbacks, outlines the pros and cons of what is proposed and provides recommendations for revisions that would achieve greater sustainability and balance environmental, social and economic outcomes.
If you are interested in hosting a RIWG RS Zone Presentation to citizens and communities in your new City District (see COE District Maps), email
This link can be shared with League Boards and with residents through social media to inform and create awareness of the RS Zone.
RIWG will send out an update in late April prior to the start of the 2nd Draft Engagement in May 2023. If there is interest RIWG may develop one for the RM Zone
March 28, 2023 – City of Edmonton & EFCL Zoning Bylaw Information Session
Register and attend this event, (LINK) & Complete the Pre-event Survey, (LINK)
The RIWG Analysis of COE RS Zone Modeling – is a review of COE Modeling and information shared as part of an information package for this event There are issues with this document including inaccurate scale comparison, incorrect labelling and errors in the tables that are important to take note of before you attend.
EFCL’s new Planning & Sustainability Working Group Link to Application & Nomination Form
The EFCL is creating a new working group that will look at community led urban planning and take leadership on climate action.
EFCL hopes this committee can think globally, act locally, and catalyze a community-based response to some of the biggest challenges and opportunities facing our city today.
All applicants and nominees must be a member of and nominated by their Community League. This will replace the previous Planning & Development Committee paused in November 2023 and which has had only 25% of Districts represented for over a year.
Note – new members of the PSWG will no longer be elected by Leagues in each district. They will be nominated by each EFCL District Board member. It is important that Leagues in each District be informed of nominees before they are appointed.
Note –Infill Development in Edmonton Association (IDEA) has been growing its “community members,” (LINK). It is important Leagues nominate new PSWG members who will represent the interest of their Community and residents, with a neighbourhood perspective, as well as all the Leagues in their District. Conflict of interest must be avoided as industry already tremendous influence in the City’s public engagement processes.
City Zoning Bylaw Engagement Timelines (LINK)
April 2023 – 2nd Draft Zoning Bylaw will become available for review. Email RIWG if you are interested in participating in a collaborative review of the 2nd Draft.
Register for notifications by email to
or register with Engage Edmonton (LINK) or register to receive the City Plan Implementation Newsletter (LINK)
May 2023 – 2nd Draft Zoning Bylaw Engagement begins, by emailing
June 20, 2023, Urban Planning Committee Meeting – Register to speak.
Email your Councillor – or email Council at
Residential Infill Working Group
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